Friday, August 26, 2011

Dear Google: please add this feature!!!

 Dear Google:
I love android because it is so customizable!  That aspect really plays to the geek in me.  Also I hate android because it is so customizable!  As it turns out, I lack the artistic ability to create simple, attractive, organized layouts.  The perfect target for your devices is the tech savvy graphical designer (not a large demographic.)  Those who are tech savvy, but not artistically inclined, or artistic without a solid tech understanding are left to limp through your interface, created underutilized or simply confusing GUIs for ourselves.

Downloadable profiles would solve this.  I want the ability to click on a profile that was designed by someone else and have it configure to my phone.  This profile would need to be able to download its own apps (with my permission of course).   

For example, I would love to have a profile of Google staff picks, or a Gizmodo profile.  As a golf lover, I would download the golf digest profile, and their vetted and approved golf gps / golf training / golf gear / and weather apps would be automatically downloaded, and organized on my phone.  

Android is too complicated for those who lack tech sense.  There is no way that I can get my mom an android device.  It’s too complicated for her.  But if I could download a dog lovers / worlds best grandma profile she would never need be confused over how to setup her phone, or what apps she should download.  

This is the perfect solution to partner skins.  If HTC sense, or moto blur wants to load a skin, that’s fine, you can load the HCT sense, or moto blur profile.  That way when the next version of android comes out, the users would not be at the mercy of HTC and Motorola for updates.  We could updates our OS, and their profile would either work or not.

Enterprise customers could load a corporate profile with the apps specific to that company’s databases and systems.  The security problems for enterprise customers with mobile compute platforms, is not a new issue.  Its one with two parts: apps that are secure, and phones that are setup correctly.  The app building process is being tackled by every large company in America right now.  But the ability to roll out these apps to their employees in a secure fashion is a problem that currently requires personal IT support for every device.  Downloadable profiles could fix this.  Your IT department only needs to setup the profile once, and the profile rolls itself out to the employee base.

Downloadable profiles would enable the rest of the world to enjoy ergonomic, well organized layouts, even without the artistic or technical talents, that great UIs require.

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