Friday, September 2, 2011

Inventor of Java, leaving Google for robot startup.

If I had millions of dollars sitting in the bank I would quit my job and invent robots all day. It turns out that is exactly what James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language, is doing.

Gosling, who invented Java while working for Sun Microsystems, went to Google after Sun was acquired by Oracle. Now, Gosling plans to leave Google to join Liquid Robotics, a robotics startup which makes data collection robots called "wave gliders". Wave gliders are designed to ride ocean currents and record water temperature, wave heights, and even whale songs. Gosling will serve as the head of the software division for this small company, and plans to be very much involved in the day to day coding.

When asked why he chose to leave a high paying, senior job at Google for a startup, Gosling said: “I’m at the point in my career where fun is a lot more important to me.”

James, we here at sit-robot-sit salute and envy you! Best of luck!